I am so happy you are here! I realize you may not know me, but I’ve actually been praying for you and I believe God made you with great purpose. If I know anything, I know our God is faithful. You can’t out-sin His goodness. You can’t run so far away He can’t see you. You can’t become so impatient or frustrated that He changes His mind about all He has planned for you. I can say all these things with complete confidence because I have walked through some seasons with Jesus I never expected or planned to walk through. Even when I didn’t make good decisions, He was still faithful. I have experienced loss, severe depression, waiting, longing, failure, and discouragement, but none of it was more powerful than the freedom and victory Jesus has given me.


Why coaching?

Coaching helps you move forward when you aren’t sure what steps to take. It identifies places you are stuck, helps you set and reach goals, and encourages you to cast vision for your life or ministry. It helps lighten burdens by pointing you to Jesus. It helps you to plan and formulate action steps. Coaching is a highly effective investment.

As a licensed coach, I am trained to help you move forward with clarity and confidence. You will be given the opportunity to speak and be heard without judgement, set clearly communicated expectations, receive godly counsel and direction, and determine effective ways to conquer and move past your current struggles. It assists in establishing critical yet reachable goals. 

I’ve Got Your Back

This is not a place where judgement is present. We all have needs, concerns, and even brokenness. We also have goals, desires, and vision.  Don’t be deterred from moving forward because you are concerned with where you are or where you have been.

Spiritual Life Coaching

You said yes to God. You agreed to walk with Him, teach your family about Him, spread His love, and serve.  Maybe your yes included actual ministry service. You were full of passion, excitement, and wonder. When you said yes, you meant yes! Then, life got real…real hard, real exhausting, and real different than what you expected.

Coaching for pastors and ministry leaders

Life can be challenging. You have a dream, vision, or a calling, yet, you can’t quite seem to make it happen. You’re sure God has more for you than what you are experiencing, but you can’t seem to get “unstuck” from where you currently find yourself. The longer you wait, the more doubt you feel.

Speaking Engagements

For over 20 years, I have had the honor of reaching out to people either by leading worship, teaching, or as a main speaker. The size of the crowd nor the location has ever mattered to me. My goal is simple. First, I strive to honor God and teach His Word with reverence. Then, I stick to the mission of my ministry which is to speak truth, bring hope, live intentionally, and worship always.

Speak Truth.

Bring Hope.

Live Intentionally.

Worship Always.

“Aleah studied God’s Word with me, always pointing to Truth and Hope. She listened to me try to unpack where I was and the things keeping me from being able to break free from the heaviness.”

—Bethany A .