Hey there, I’m Aleah!


Hey there! I’m Aleah and I am so happy you are here! I realize you may not know me, but I’ve actually been praying for you and I believe God made you with great purpose. If I know anything, I know our God is faithful. You can’t out-sin His goodness. You can’t run so far away He can’t see you. You can’t become so impatient or frustrated that He changes His mind about all He has planned for you. I can say all these things with complete confidence because I have walked through some seasons with Jesus I never expected or planned to walk through. Even when I didn’t make good decisions, He was still faithful. I have experienced loss, severe depression, waiting, longing, failure, and discouragement, but none of it was more powerful than the freedom and victory Jesus has given me.


I live in Southeast Alabama, so when you hear me talk, you’ll hear a super southern accent that will either charm you or drive you crazy. I am a boy-mama through and through to two of the coolest and most handsome guys on the planet. I have the most wonderful daughter-in-law who quickly became one of my favorite gals to laugh with. I am married to my high school sweetheart and I still think he is the absolute best. You’ll often find me with a cup of coffee in my hand, dreaming of the beach, singing a song that’s stuck in my head. I love all things yellow, petting every dog I see, reading, writing, worshiping, and pushing people to love Jesus more. I am an enneagram 9, the peacemaker, with a protective 8 wing and I’m 100% Ambivert which means I am just as content in front of hundreds of people as I am sitting in my study reading a book by myself. I absolutely love the Word of God and find it a complete honor to teach others to love it too.


I’ve been in ministry for 25 years.  I hold a ministerial license through the R-3 Alliance, a Master’s degree in counseling, and a whole lot of life experience. A lot like training wheels, I support and encourage while you learn and grow then, I push you forward to ride solo.  My goal in all I do is to point people to Jesus and to make Him known.


I can’t wait to hear from you!

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.