
What is coaching and how can it help me?

Coaching helps you move forward when you aren’t sure what steps to take. It identifies places you are stuck, helps you set and reach goals, and encourages you to cast vision for your life or ministry. It helps lighten burdens by pointing you to Jesus. It helps you to plan and formulate action steps. Coaching is a highly effective investment.

As a licensed coach, I am trained to help you move forward with clarity and confidence. You will be given the opportunity to speak and be heard without judgement, set clearly communicated expectations, receive godly counsel and direction, and determine effective ways to conquer and move past your current struggles. It assists in establishing critical yet reachable goals. 

How do I get started?

Decide which coaching package best fits your needs and book the session. You will be sent a pre-coaching questionnaire that will help me prepare and customize your coaching session. You can also reach out to me by email with any questions you may have.

Coaching Packages:

There are many ways coaching sessions can be handled and all are equally effective. If you live in Dothan, Alabama or the surrounding area, we can complete your coaching in person. Other options are to set up a zoom or face-time session, or we can do the coaching session by phone. If there are circumstances that would cause email coaching to benefit you more, I can coach you by email as well.

Package 1:

1 Hour of Coaching - Investment $100

Includes pre-coaching questionnaire and follow up by email and Marco Polo.  If more information is needed, a pre-coaching 15 minute discovery call may be beneficial. There is no charge for discovery calls.

Package 2:

3, 1-hour coaching sessions- Investment $300

Includes pre-coaching questionnaire and follow up by email and Marco Polo. If more information is needed, a pre-coaching 15 minute discovery call may be beneficial. There is no charge for discovery calls.

Package 3:

1 month of coaching (4, 1 hour sessions) - Investment $350

Includes pre-coaching questionnaire and follow up by email and Marco Polo. If more information is needed, a pre-coaching 15 minute discovery call may be beneficial. There is no charge for discovery calls.

*Custom packages for long and short-term goals are available as well and are put together based on need and request. Please email me for further coaching and pricing information. You can also follow our social media pages for special discount codes. 

Package 4:

Buy one / Give one option: $175

Your investment in our buy one/give one package helps others receive coaching on scholarship. You have the option of taking an hour of coaching for yourself and offering an hour to a friend or someone who has requested financial assistance from us. You also have the option of donating both hours. Because of your generosity, this package is discounted for each hour purchased.

Speaking Inquiries

For over 25 years, I have had the honor of reaching out to people by leading worship, teaching, or as a main speaker. The size of the crowd nor the location has ever mattered to me. My goal is simple. First, I strive to honor God and teach His Word with reverence. Then, I stick to the mission of my ministry which is to speak truth, bring hope, live intentionally, and worship always. I pray for the needs and heart of the people I will be leading and I am passionate about helping them grow to know and love Jesus more. I aim to bring comfort and encouragement while challenging and calling others up. I will address your group with honesty and joy as I would a friend.


Because you and your group are unique, I don’t have a standard fee for speaking or teaching engagements. I prefer talking with you first so I can gain a better understanding of what you desire for your group, the type of event you are planning, your goals, and the travel expenses required. Reach out to me and we can have a conversation about your event. There is no obligation to book if we have a conversation.

  • "As a speaker, Aleah personally connects with listeners by sharing experiences and lessons that beautifully illustrate how God's love is greater than what we can imagine. She is passionate about her faith and her relationship with the Lord takes first priority in her life. As she speaks to her audience, love, compassion and the tender mercies of our Father God's love flow from her heart. With a strong love for the word of God she is dedicated to studying the bible and teaching bible truths with practical application. The genuine sweetness and humility of her personality are character traits that are sure to be seen, heard and conveyed to her listeners while she unfolds the truths of the living word and delivers a message straight from the Father's heart. "

    -Ronda Corley

  • "Aleah and I met at a women’s conference where she was one of the speakers and leaders. After hearing what the Lord had placed on her heart, I knew I needed her to pray specifically over me and the battles I had been currently fighting. Her words that day, her prayers, and her willingness to follow up with me a few weeks later led to a wonderful friendship and mentorship. Aleah studied God’s Word with me, always pointing to Truth and Hope. She listened to me try to unpack where I was and the things keeping me from being able to break free from the heaviness. She helped me find so much freedom by coaching and counseling me through a very difficult season in my life. Aleah taught me practical and Godly strategies to help call out the lies in my mind and replace them with Truth. She was a faithful and extremely trustworthy friend to me. I believe some of the calling and purpose on Aleah’s life is absolutely to be able to help people break free from a death mindset and be able to see there’s always hope, there’s always Truth, and we can choose to walk in the light.Forever thankful for her love and guidance that has helped me over the past few years."

    -Bethany Azar

  • "I have known and served alongside Aleah in ministry for several years, observing her guide people into truth and freedom through leading small groups, speaking at conferences, and in more intimate private settings. She is a knowledgeable teacher and consistent leader. I am confident in her skills and abilities to coach people from where they are to where they desire to be. "

    -Brandy Dowdey

  • “When making decisions concerning your calling and life purpose the best thing you can do is find a coach. Every leader needs a coach and a mentor. Aleah Dixon has been both for me. Aleah will push you towards your calling and remind you of God's design for your life. She has a unique way of pushing you forward while also encouraging you along the way. I cannot recommend Aleah Dixon highly enough. I am forever grateful for the impact she has had on my ministry and life.”

    -Pastor John Dowdey

Take your first step.