Worth the Hard

There is something I want you to know today. 

There isn’t a single one of you who can’t be used by God.

There is nothing you could do that would disqualify you from the love of Christ. 

You still have purpose. 

I don’t care who you were. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what you’ve done. His forgiveness is available and His freedom is sure. 

But what about all this shame? What about who I am now? 

Who do you think you are? Do you call yourself by your name or by all the derogatory terms that describe how you feel? Is your identity found in what you’ve done or is it found in who God says you are? 

Hear this…The enemy not only uses shame to slow you down…he wants it to completely stop you. 

I know because it happened to me…but in His great kindness, God restored me and gave me freedom.  I want that freedom for you too.

Listen to me…

You are not your sin. You are not your struggle. You are not discounted. You are not what shame says you are. You are not what people say you are. 

You are who God says you are. End of story. 

We have all fallen short. We have all sinned. We don’t deserve the grace that saves us. We don’t deserve the forgiveness given. That’s why the gospel is so important…like life or death important. Once we are saved, God sees us through the righteousness of His son. It’s beautiful and completely undeserved, but it’s true. 

We have got to stop being distracted from the race. We have got to get off the sidelines and the bleachers. We are meant to train and run on mission. The prize is already ours and it’s in sight. 

Friend, stop believing the lie that you can’t be used. Stop believing the lie that you don’t have a place at the table. Put your trainers on and train. Put your sneakers on and run. Go tell.  Go serve. Take your place and give God all you’ve got. You are useful to the Kingdom of God and you have important work to do. 

So go do it. 

And If you need encouragement, ask for it. 

I believe in who God says you are 💛


Lamentations 3:31-33