Lamentations 3:31-33

No one is cast off by the Lord forever. Cast off is to abandon. Our God doesn’t abandon us…

Not me. Not you.  As He promised, He fills us with the Holy Spirit, so He is ever present…even when our feelings don’t  bear witness to His faithfulness. 


Whatever it stems from…

It’s real and painful, but it can be full of purpose…

an opportunity to receive  compassion from a perfect Father. All because of His unfailing love. 

Yes, Love without fail and 

unlimited compassion…

From God. 

To you and me. 

When things don’t look lovely, He is not the enemy. 

He is not the one who rejects. He is not the one who harms.


He accepts.

He forgives. 

He heals. 

He welcomes. 

He holds our vulnerability close and with confidence. He is tender with it…never using it as a weapon against us, but allowing it to birth intimacy. It beckons us back again and again into the safety of the secret place that’s inhabited by His presence. 

Trustworthy, Faithful, True.

Oh friend, our God is this and more. 

When it seems all we have to offer isn’t enough, or quite possibly it’s too much, He covers us and always pushes us to His gift of more. His gift of abundance, found and made complete in Him. 

Sanctifying and equipping. Making us whole. Making us an instrument. Sending us out in confidence. Not changing His mind or hardening Himself at every failure. The picture of perfect steadfastness and loyalty is wrapped up in who He is. 

Be encouraged. He is full of compassion and mercy. Overflowing in grace. Redeeming, restoring, revealing…

He remains true. He remains holy. He remains good. 

He is worth the hard.




Worth the Hard