It’s going to be ok. You’re ok.

I’m telling myself this a lot lately. Do you? When things are heavy and you’re tired, do you remind yourself you’re ok? Do you coach yourself into a better perspective? 

Look, you’ll never hear me say a situation or circumstance you face isn’t full of heaviness. I know, in some seasons, it can feel heavy day after day. You’ll never hear me say what you feel isn’t a real feeling. The “feeling” of feelings is real, but what they tell us isn’t always the truth. There is such a confidence waiting just beyond our feelings. A confidence that requires faith beyond what is felt. A confidence that is based on who and what we believe. 

What I know is this…

Your purpose hasn’t changed. Your potential hasn’t changed. Your specific and detailed design hasn’t changed. Most of all, your God hasn’t changed. He never will. He is faithful beyond our understanding. Our God is trustworthy. 

You and I have work to do. Trials will come. People will fail. Heaviness will be felt. We still exist to bring Him glory and to further His Kingdom and reach His people with grace and Truth. 

When you can’t find hope even though you know hope is real, talk to someone about it. Friend, I want you to remain steadfast. You have people left to love and serve. Your life still matters. There is more. 

Do you need help staying the course and running this race? Do you need help as you navigate where to go from here? Do you need reminding why you started? If you’re stuck, feeling hopeless, or just plain tired, there are people to help you. Coaching, counseling, pastoring…there are people trained to help you with where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going. You are not alone. 

It’s going to be ok. You’re ok. 




Lamentations 3:31-33